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What's EasMania

In other words “the Madness about the East” is an adventure aiming to revive the musical traditions of The Silk Road cultures and to highlight their historical connections with the Middle East, and how they both exchanged with the Western world. It is an attempt to refresh the rich yet the ancient “bridge” between the East and the West, a bridge that existed over the past three thousand years within many sides of our life. EastMania uses the “Stage” as its meeting platform, and uses “Music” as its universal language for a more global yet deeper understanding. It attempts to create “Stories” with a personal touch and a collective past, allowing an adventurous new form of dialogue to be born

A new journey on its way out

One Kind Of A Band
This is "band of all bands" is an adventure aiming to revive the musical traditions of The Silk Road cultures and to highlight their historical connections with the Middle East, and how they both exchanged with the Western world. It is an attempt to refresh the rich yet the ancient “bridge” between the East and the West, a bridge that existed over the past three thousand years within many sides of our life. EastMania uses the “Stage” as its meeting platform, and uses “Music” as its universal language for a more global yet deeper understanding. It attempts to create “Stories” with a personal touch and a collective past, allowing an adventurous new form of dialogue to be born
Who is EastMania

Connections With History
It all started hundreds if not thousands of years ago, when people from different continents dared to leave their homes and traveled to discover the world. Going south or North, East or west, every travel brought back magnificent stories, carried out meetings of different nations, exchange of traditions, enlightments through new knowledge, export and import of arts, music, food, spices, medicine, silk, jewelry and much more. Although it sometime drove the human mind to reach ultimate desires of domination, occupation of foreign lands and humiliation of its original inhabitants, but luckily the collective memory of people managed to well register all the good sides of such multi-cultural interaction. It managed to preserve it to future generations to benefit and be illuminated about our magical world.Two historical references have well inspired the birth of EASTMANIA concept, The first one is the Morrocan scholar Ibn Battuta and the second is the Italian explorer Marco Polo.
He was a Moroccan Berber scholar best known as a traveler and explorer. His account documents his travels and excursions over a period of almost thirty years, covering some 117,000 km. These journeys covered almost the entirety of the known Islamic world and beyond, extending from North Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the West, to the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East. His most famous book of travels is entitled "A Donation to those interested in the Curiosities of the Cities and Marvels of the Ways." >> Wikipedia

Ibn Battuta
Hover on image to see Ibn Battuta's road map
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer, born in the Republic of Venice. His travels are recorded in "Livres des merveilles du monde", a book that described to Europeans the wealth and great size of China, its capital Peking, and other Asian cities and countries. Marco was imprisoned and dictated his stories to a cellmate. He was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his experience. His book inspired Christopher Columbusand many other travellers. There is a substantial literature based on Polo's writings; he also influenced European cartography, leading to the introduction of the Fra Mauro map. >> Wikipedia

Marco Polo
Hover on image to see Marco Polo's road map
Historical connections

First Sparks

After Kamal presented his project idea to Billy Cobham mid 2009, both agreed to meet down the road and discuss it more in detail. This could only happen in early February 2010, while Billy was on tour. And on his way from USA to India, he managed to stop in Dubai for the first meeting, so they could get the ball rolling!
>> read more about the first recording sessions
First Meetings
Tour Dates
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